Thursday, July 22, 2010

Somethings gotta give

So uni is back on... the work load this semester is what I imagined last semester to be like... FULL ON!! So even though it was anticipated I still feel like I am behind and it is only week two!!

Somethings have had to give around here...

the folding... any given time your socks, jocks or whatever can be found in the pile of laundry that is starting to take over my lower rumpus area...

the cooking... last night when I came home... Adam was going out... who has fed the kids??... the conversation went like this... 'but I thought you would'... 'you said you would call'... 'argh'... 'kids find something to eat in the fridge'...
I did tuck them into bed but I am still not sure if they had dinner!!

housework... well...some jobs just don't need doing until the mould is growing... and that is about the state of the dishes on the sink at times... (maybe an exaggeration... but an using my imaginative license here)...

The kids are feeling the stretch too... Nina wanted me to go on a school excursion with her on Friday... and I just can not do it... I felt bad... but it was either the excursion or taking her to basketball Friday and Soccer on Saturday... she choose the sports... I explained to her, that this was only for the next eighteen months...

Apparently she took that on board...

This morning.. Wilson was wanting me to reassemble some of his Lego star wars space ships that have had a few knocks... I told him I would when I got a chance. He thought about it and said 'When is that?... Will I still be five or six?'... Nina jumped in at that moment and said... 'No Wilson you will be seven!!'....

I think I know what we will be doing as a family on Sunday morning... LEGO!!!

Now I have to go.... Focus, Focus, Focus!!


  1. Oh, Wilson's comment was a classic! That is funny!

  2. Hahahaha! He is a clever kid that Wilson! I hope you have a book you write all the funny things he says in. He could be comic strip...

  3. Oh dear ... great that Nina and Wilson have a sense of humor!
    Life does get hectic at times ...
    Hang in there!

  4. I'm hearing you!!!
    Uni is SO FULL ON!!!!

  5. I feel like I want to come down and be your cook/housekeeper - it's always so much better doing it for someone else!
