Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Money for Nothing....

Last Sunday Nina needed to see a doctor, so I volunteered for the job leaving Adam home to get the boys ready for Church.

When we all met up again in the afternoon, Wilson was so excited to show me the $20 he had in his wallet. I asked him where he found the money (knowing previously he had none) and explained that just because you find money around the house, this does not mean it is automatically yours.

Turns out he did not find the money. He declared "Dad gave it to me". I wondered what on earth did he do to earn $20!!! Wilson cleared that up when he said, "I got it for nothing!".

Wilson requires a bit of coaching on Sundays, he is still not really keen on the idea of sitting still for an hour! Apparently Adam was having a hard time getting Wilson out the door on time and offered him some money if he got ready quickly and came to church. Wilson furthered the negotiations with the insistence that it would have to be paper money, Adam then explained to me that the twenty was all he had in his wallet to offer Wil.

Wilson was sitting on the bed telling me what he was going to buy with his money when Adam, trying to be sneaky, said to me "I'll get it back off him later", Wilson overheard and said "No you won't, I heard that!!"

Ethan can not believe the luck of the youngest child, commenting that he would be rich if he got $20 every time he went to church.

Can not wait to see how we go next week...


  1. Yeah, it's going to be hard to top that one! He should have started out with smaller denominations. Adam could always charge him rent now - $19/week.

  2. Okay - I thought I was already a follower - what happened? I have you on my blog roll and it lets me know when you update your blog. I thought I was gettin' blog savvy - but NO! But I got to be #15! Woo Hoo!

  3. roh roh..... have fun next week :) glad to know there are other kids out there as challenging as mine :)

  4. ha ha ha.. oh Adam.. thats something I would do. I know when I give Hattie money I can somehow get it back! Hope NIna is ok... we missed you guys.

  5. thats funny - usually a 'special treat' still works fine for bribery with mine!!

  6. somehow I think your other kids will be working out how much Adam owes them for all of the years they have been ready on time!
