Monday, February 22, 2010

Losing My Mind...

I was putting Nina and Wilson to bed last night, Wilson kept interrupting Nina while she was talking to me. I asked him to wait until Nina had finished her story. When I asked Wilson what he was going to tell me, he exasperatedly raised his voice and said, "She made me lose my mind"... apparently during the wait, Wilson had forgotten what he was going to say. He is not often lost for words.


  1. I hate it when that happens! I lose my mind a lot when I have to wait my turn to talk.

  2. Ha ha i love it that Wilson is competing for his place on the ladder...Nina was probably telling you about ME telling the girls off for Picking a fight with Hattie on Sunday while she was over...Amazing how the dynamics go against Hats when the other girls have friends over... they were all good the rest of the time...Hope you are feeling better now....
