Thursday, February 11, 2010

We have had an excellent Summer!!

Riding the Sand Dunes Bridport TAS

Swimming at the Mermaid Pools

Hanging out at camp with our cousin Boru

Having a little break while she waits for her turn on the sea biscuit (Nina)

Jumping from the rocks at Mermaid (Ethan)

Being too cool for words (Angus)

Catching fish (Ethan)

Yes they are blueberries... (Nina and Boru)

Haning out with Deeanne at camp

Yeah, we really did catch fish...

Making new friends

Oh yeah.... We bought a BOAT!!! So exciting, I have wanted a boat forever, we are now officially a boatie family:) One problem, the boat has a small leak... nothing too bad we are happy to say. We are looking forward to lots of fun with this new toy!!

Catching up with some Cottage School friends.

Turning 10!! Miss Nina turned double digits...

Kirsten had a birthday too, it was much more than 10! I made this cake for Kirsten, actually I made two, the first one did not turn out... well, truthfully, the second one did not either, but I gave it to her anyway... figured she was a good enough friend to think it was the thought that counted:)

Well... that was a few holiday pics from one camera... I will add some more when I find the cable for the other camera.

Pretty creative blog huh!



  1. great post, great photos, great boat.

  2. Beautiful spot - we could have bumped into each other there haha!!
    We only stayed one day and night, would love to go back and spend longer. Where were the Mermaid Pools didn't see those?! Anyway, looks like your family had a great summer holiday together :).

  3. i wish i had known you were coming north...i would have loved you to visit or i could have met you at the blueberry farm or bridport....
    Yeah...i agree about summer it has been comes the winter....but after that is the spring...bulbs and iris's... gotta love them...

  4. You had me at blueberries - YUM! I'm glad you had so much fun in the summer. I could post some pictures of my cold, blue fingers from freezin' my buttocks off. Spring is comin' though and that's what makes life worth living at the moment! Ha!

  5. haha yep very creative bloggin hunny
    but hey cool stuff going on with you and yours
    all looks heaps fun
    jealous of boat :)
    love ya

  6. A great summary of your trip away and summer ... looks like everyone had fun.
    looking forward to the photos from the other camera!
