Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Housework Stuck point

Folding and putting away washing is my housework stuck point, it just seems that nothing else around the house can get done until that monstrous pile of laundry on the lounge disappears.

The problem with my washing is that it grows at an incredibly fast rate and I procrastinate at an even faster rate. This equation equals about three hours of searching for socks, jocks and school shorts every week. Not a morning goes by without someone needing help searching for something.

The other day I called my friend Kirsten and I asked her what she was doing, 'Folding washing', was her reply. Angus was in the car and heard what she had said, 'Why don't you ever do that Mum?' he asked.

That really is the question... Why, why, why can I not stay on top of this task? I do not work outside the home and I only have Wilson at home.

I remember years ago a friend telling me that you have to treat your housework as if it was a place of paid employment, you need to work systematically and efficiently.

Well, I am not shaping up to be the employee that really suits this position, even after 17 years experience, I think I may have to fire me!


  1. oh Fiona - I am SO with you on this. I HATE folding washing. I always have clean washing - it is just piled up in the laundry. Every Sunday night I'm searching through the pile for the boys school uniforms for the next day!! I always tell me - I will fold them EVERY day so it doesn't pile up, but I never do! Maybe I should get the sack too - actually I think if the job was better paid I would do it better :)

  2. I love doing the washing. It is genetic, when my mum comes to stay Paul says "buy some more washing powder". The folding part is the best part, it is the time in the day when you can sit down in front of rubbish t.v without feeling guilty because you are being incredibly productive by folding the washing. Not so fussed on the putting away (leave it to the kids).

  3. Haha that's funny.. It is the same in our house too don't worry! Clean washing all the time, and no one to fold it!! We have a huge pile on our lounge room chair, and the same as Lisa i am ALWAYS looking for my school uniform in it on a Sunday night!!

  4. This just made me laugh...... cause the thing is - even if you do get it all folded and put away - another pile is back there the next day anyway - so it's never done!!!! I have so many memories of trying to find my uniform on a MONDAY morning and clean socks that match! I think thats just part of growing up!!!! Bad enough with a family of 4 anyway - can't even imagine how much washing a family of 6 has!!!!!

  5. hmmm...chris says "why did we bother getting built in's we should just use the front room as a walk in closet. Fiona got me on the day when it all got too out of control..I hate putting it away...After what Hannah said I'm going to see it as creating memories for my children to talk about when they get older!

  6. There is always the possibility of hiring a maid..NO?..well how about a reward system??? pay the kids to fold their own...maybe 10cents a garment..i am too cheap i know..or else i am living int the dark ages...10cents??? more like a $1 each garment..NO?? that wont work either...then i have run out of ideas..sorry.. i would offer to come and do it for you but then i am not your VT ...opps there's an idea!!!!! have a "fold the washing" morning tea and invite them over..once a week should do it..Ha ha..yeah i know i am losing my marbles...
